Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Jeff Volek, Ph.D., R.D. is an exercise and nutrition researcher at the University of Connecticut. A regular contributor to Men's Health and coauthor with Adam Campbell of The Testosterone Advantage Plan and The TNT Diet, says, "You are what your body does with what you eat." My husband like most men, enjoys grilling a steak, but has cut back on it recently because his cholesterol is a little high. In the TNT Diet, Volek tells the truth about the sirloin steak. Beef like other animal meats has a similar composition. Think of the dark meat and skin of the turkey or the ham and bacon from pork.
Fatty Acid Content of Sirloin Steak:
Monounsaturated Fat: 49%: Oleci Acid: 45% {+}; Palmitic Acid: 4% {+}
Saturated Fat: 47%; Palmitic Acid: 27% {+}; Stearic Acid: 16% {0}; Myristic Acid: 3% {-}; Lauric Acid: 1% {+}
Polyunsaturated Fat: 4%; Linoleic Acid: 4% {+}
Key + = positive effect on cholesterol
- = negative effect on cholesterol
0 = no effect on cholesterol
Steak first enters the digestive system at the mouth, over the lips and through the gums...Our types of teeth are made to chew it well. Saliva aids the process. From the mouth it slides down the esophagus and lands in the stomach. Enzymes break the steak into amino acid strands, liquidizes, and becomes chyme. Passing into the small intestines, more enzymes continue to break the amino acid strands into single and double amino acids. Absorption of the smaller amino acids occurs when they have been transported to the cells that line the wall of the intestines, reaching the bloodstream. From there, they are delivered directly to the muscles through capillaries, aiding damaged muscle tissue.
Volek believes it is important to eat some protein before exercising.
Volek elaborates that fat shows up on the body not just through dietary intake, but also through the manufacturing process within the body. Insulin levels within rise after eating carbohydrates, sending signals to the body to quit burning and begin storing fat. Another function of insulin is to activate the liver in its production of saturated fat. More carbs then equal more saturated fat production.
Other key facts regarding fat from Jeff Volek:
Triglyceride levels are lowered and HDL (good cholesterol) increases after replacing carbs with any type of fat.
Dairy products, containing the saturated fat from palmitic and stearic acids, have higher saturated fat content than beef, pork, or poultry.
Lower-carb type diets allow for lower insulin levels, a decreased production of saturated fatty acids, and encourage the body to burn more fat for energy. Follow a healthy diet, exercise, and go ahead and eat that sirloin steak!
Fox News