The fix: Go nuts. Peanuts, hazelnuts, and walnuts are loaded with vitamin E, an antioxidant that bolsters the immune system, which gets run down when you're running around. They're also chock-full of B vitamins, which prepare your body for physical ramifications of stress like high blood pressure and off-kilter hormones. Nuts are also a great food source of arginine, an amino acid that improves blood flow—to help you get from dead tired to orgasmic. You need only a handful per day, so sprinkle them on yogurt, salads, or oatmeal—or just snack on them plain.
Oh, how true!

The problem: Narrowing arteries
Heart disease scores as a top-three killer of women in this age group.
The fix: Grab a handful of grapes every day. Antioxidants in red grape skins have been linked to lower LDL cholesterol and a lowered risk of clogged arteries. A glass of red wine is beneficial too. In a Spanish study, scientists found that red wine significantly reduced markers of arterial inflammation. The booze also helps prevent clots, just as a daily aspirin does. Cheers!
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